The Impact of Climate Change on EHS Management

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The effects of climate change are evident in all aspects of life, including different ecosystems, the economy, and human health. It has become one of the world's most significant and pressing issues in recent years, making headlines in every corner of the globe.

If you need convincing that climate change also affects your business and workers' safety, consider the following:

  • Higher temperatures
  • More severe weather events
  • Greater exposure to environmental contaminants, among other things.

To illustrate, here are some hard facts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

  • Since 1880, global land and ocean temperatures have risen 0.14 degrees Fahrenheit (0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade. However, this rate has nearly doubled since 1981, to 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit (0.18 degrees Celsius) per decade.
  • 2022 was the sixth hottest year on record, with average worldwide temperatures 1.55 degrees Fahrenheit (0.86 degrees C) above the 20th-century normal.
  • Since 2010, the top 10 hottest years were all between 1880 and 2022.

Additionally, it's essential to remember the calamities the world has been suffering and paying for, such as wildfires in the United States, North Africa, and Southern Europe; floods in various parts of India, China, and Japan; and severe destructive cyclones hovering over the Indian Ocean, washing away continental shores.

There’s no denying that climate change is impacting every aspect of human life and businesses worldwide. This whitepaper explores the complex interplay between climate change and EHS management, shedding light on how recent environmental changes necessitate upgrades in traditional EHS metrics to provide:

  • Better workplace safety
  • Enhanced risk evaluation
  • Up-to-date regulatory compliance, and
  • Most importantly, climate change mitigation.

Climate change is a multifaceted threat that requires proactive and adaptable approaches from businesses to protect their workforces, local communities, and the world. Let’s begin by understanding how climate change affects businesses and demands changes in EHS management.

The Impact of Climate Change on EHS Management

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