Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line

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The need for environmentally responsible practices is rising. IBM’s 2022 survey of 16,000 people in 10 major economies showed 51% of people place a higher value on environmental sustainability than they did a year previously. People are realizing the effects of the global warming crisis and turning to businesses to take up the initiative to operate sustainably. In 2022, despite rising prices throughout the globe, the vast majority of customers (93%) either kept up with or increased their spending on sustainable products.

Environmental consciousness seems to be the only way to improve the quality of life without negatively impacting the earth. And what if we told you that with advanced Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Management platforms, your business can not only promote sustainability but help our business reap the benefits of corporate sustainability as measured by the Triple Bottom Line Concept? 

Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line

Download to see the significance of sustainability for businesses and how EHS platforms can increase sustainability.

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