Many businesses outsource work on their facility to contractors due to many advantages, including cost efficiency, in their operations. But hiring contractors also comes with its own set of difficulties that companies should be well aware of. If you have contractors working on your property, you are legally responsible for their well-being.
Research shows workers in nonstandard arrangements, such as in a contract position, may be at a higher risk of harm because they are less likely to say anything when they are given more dangerous tasks.
While it can be difficult for an EHS manager to continue to keep track of contractors and temporary staff members, if you want to reap the maximum financial benefits of contracting work to outside parties, it is important that contract workers working for you feel safe on the job. We believe it is essential for businesses to plan for sustainable and efficient contractor safety management programs in their EHS initiatives and equip the EHS team with the tools they need to do so.
We created SafetyAMP as a one-stop solution for all EHS needs of a business, including contractor safety management. With our mobilized, cloud-enabled platform, you can manage your contractors' safety in one centralized location, streamlining your entire EHS program.
Enhance your Facility's Contractor Safety. Streamline management, improve training, and boost communication for safer EHS programs.