Struggling to disconnect from work while working from home? Learn strategies to create boundaries and work efficiently and safely remotely.
Setting up a dedicated workspace with good ergonomics Practicing good time management Using good remote work etiquette Finding ways to collaborate virtually Setting and following good work boundaries
Raise your hand if you’re having a hard time disconnecting from work. Working from home blurs the line between personal time and work hours. This training will provide some strategies to help you create those boundaries or best practices to help you work efficiently and safely remotely.
Our extensive Learning Management System allows you to dispatch knowledge and required certificates to teams across your site portfolio.
Our platform caters to all learning styles and scenarios, ensuring effective knowledge retention.
Take control of the learning experience with our configurable class structure. Tailor the training journey to match your organizational needs.
Deliver targeted safety training regimens at every level, putting safety directly into the hands of your workforce.
Deliver more than 400 online safety courses as well as your own training with the SafetyAmp learning management system.
Easily enroll employees into training courses, whether they're in a classroom or taken online - then visualize training history and compliance across multiple locations.
Library of 400+ courses from partner training providers
Create online training courses
Quickly view employee training history
Schedule classroom training sessions
Manage training renewals
Eliminate lost certificates
Built-in reports for training compliance
Other Courses
Learn safe practices for handling cryogenics and compressed gases. Protect yourself and others from potential hazards.
Learn how to combat cyber threats and protect digital assets.
This course covers DOT regulations on cargo loading and securing for safe transportation, with practical driver guidance.