OSHA Proposes New Injury Tracking Rule

Future of safety blog

OSHA Proposes New Injury Tracking Rule


As we’re sure you’re already well aware, establishments with 250 or greater employees must submit their Form 300A Injury data electronically. If you’re between 20 and 249 employees and in a specific "Appendix A" industry, you also must submit your 300A data electronically. 

OSHA released a new proposal to amend these current regulations on March 28th 2022. Much like the industry-specific requirements for establishments between 20 and 249 employees, the proposed requirement would be that establishments with 100 or more employees in certain industries must submit 300, 301, and 300A data once a year. OSHA is also planning to update the way they determine which industries fall under the requirement and as a result, these industries may change next year.

Comments closed the last week of May on the proposal.

OSHA is anticipating that the effects of this rule change will help it use resources more effectively by identifying workplaces where workers are at the greatest risk from specific hazards. This will also result in more targeted enforcement efforts. Ideally this change would also improve employers abilities to compare organizational injury data more accurately to that of their industry peers, as well as assist with creating engagement and empowerment in stakeholders to make more informed, site-specific decisions. 

Electronic injury reporting requirements began in 2016, following OSHA’s issuance of the rule. Originally this required data from forms 300, 300A, and 301 for firms of 250+ employees and certain orgs between 20-249 employees. This rule was modified in 2019 by OSHA issuing a final rule amending the original which removed data submission requirements from Forms 300 and 301 for establishments over 250 employees.

SafetyAmp's Incident Management application has all of the tools you need to manage Forms 300, 301, and 300A across all of your establishments globally. Grab a demo with one of our safety experts to discuss how these electronic reporting requirements can be automated.


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